welcome to the 2021 artspace exhibition follow the links below, and remember to vote for your favourite artist
hope you have a nice day and enjoy :)

© headspace Glenroy. All rights reserved.

(designed by Chloe)

In 2018, artspace was created because young people in the community wanted a safe and fun space to cultivate their creativity. It is a social art group run by young people, for young people.During our sessions, we would often paint, draw, sculpt and try out new mediums. Also, attempted short creative challenges and shared our different art ideas and styles.2020 changed the way we delivered this group as we moved online. Finding new ways to create and share art. We played online drawing games, learned how to use art apps, discovered new artists and learned from each other. During times like these, it is important to remember to do things that you enjoy and take you away from stress.We collaborated together, challenged ourselves and made cool art!

"It's a fun after school activity that takes the stress from the week away." - YP, aged 14

"artspace means I can have good mental health and make connections/friends"

"I love hanging out with artspace friends and just chilling out and talking about our days and art we like to do"

"I love all the online activities, once we get out of lockdown I would love to participate online with this group some how." - YP

“artspace has helped me rediscover my passion for art and opened up my mind to new ideas”
-young person, 21

follow these links :)